Converse CBY Education

Common FAQs

How to problem solve in real time with these answers to the most common questions.

Common FAQs

How to problem solve in real time with these answers to the most common questions.

Patch Application Instructions

Apply patches properly with this guide

Patch Application Instructions

Apply patches properly with this guide

Ensuring Proper Embroidery Tension

Click here to download our 1-page guide to ensuring proper embroidery thread tensions!    

Ensuring Proper Embroidery Tension

Click here to download our 1-page guide to ensuring proper embroidery thread tensions!    

Oiling Your Tajima Embroidery Machine

In this video we will go over how to oil your Tajima Embroidery Machine.   Oiling Notes: For every 4 hours of production, 1 drop of oil should be placed...

Oiling Your Tajima Embroidery Machine

In this video we will go over how to oil your Tajima Embroidery Machine.   Oiling Notes: For every 4 hours of production, 1 drop of oil should be placed...